A lot of issues can be encountered when you have your driver’s license. Initially you would have to work hard for you to get it. The next challenge is for you to actually maintain using it. You have to realize that the acquisition of your driver’s license is a symbol that you have proven yourself to the state that you are worthy to be on the road and you promise to be a responsible motorist. The problem arises when you would have to deal with a license suspension.
There are 2 ways wherein you can lose your privilege to drive. The first one is when you have acquired too many points in your license and you are tagged as a negligent driver. This is taken differently per state. This is why you may need to check on the points scheduling of the state that you are in so you will be able to check and really monitor your standing with the use of your driving records. There is usually not much wiggle room when it comes to points in your license that is why it is important that you go ahead and really care for your license by making sure that you always abide the law.
The second possibility for you to lose your license temporarily is when you happen to be caught with a DUI charge or any other major traffic offense. Some states would consider this as grounds for automatic suspension. You may have heard of stories of how inconvenient it is to lose your license and I am sure that you would not want to experience this for yourself. If you happen to be in need of having to drive on a daily basis to perform some other mundane tasks like taking your kids to school or driving to work, you can still request for a restricted license. Like all the other procedures, this is going to vary per state and some state would even require you to have a traffic lawyer with you. This is just to allow you to be able to drive around even when you full license is under suspension. You can only be driving to places that are indicated in your restricted license or else you may be saying good bye to your full driver’s license permanently.
All in all it is pretty easy to keep your driver’s license. Since you passed the tests that are mandated by the state, it can then be assumed that you are capable of following the traffic rules and regulations. It will then be up to you how careful you are going to be.
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